our company
Veteran Owned and Operated
Old Men Disc Golf is just 2 old friends, both veterans with disabilities that want to encourage people to get out and play despite their limitations to seek a healthier self. This channel was started as a way for us to also play disc golf together with one of us living in North Carolina (Ant) and the other living in Pennsylvania (Kris). We use these play and film sessions to encourage us to get out more and being out there helps our mental and physical health. Mainly, we want to give the average disc golfer a chance to see other average disc golfers just having a good time. Many channels are hosted by pretty amazing players that many of us can’t relate to and we wanted to try and remedy that as well.
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Inspired by the service of two great men in our lives, SGT Finney and GySgt Ansley
"His strength was forged on the battlefield, but it was in the quiet moments of raising me that he truly taught me the meaning of courage and resilience."